Q: Do I need to have partners to start a business?

A: You don’t need partners to start your business, but it certainly makes life as an entrepreneur easier. The best way to decide whether you should bring on partners is to look at your strengths and weaknesses and figure out if you can build a successful business without someone filling […]

Q: There is so much to do I’m not sure where to start…

A. We always say that writing things down is the way to go – you’re not going to be able to remember everything! It also helps you to be able to prioritize your tasks so you can keep crossing things off your list. That being said, you don’t know what[…..]

Q: Do I need a full business plan?

A: If you plan on connecting with investors for funding, you will likely need a full business plan. However, to get you started, you can focus on building a framework of your business model.  This will give you a high-level view and detail how your business creates, delivers and captures value[…..]

Q: Is my business idea silly?

A: A better question to ask is do you think it’s silly? If you believe that you have a product or service that satisfies a need for someone and they are willing to pay you money for it, then you have the foundation of a viable business. A silly business idea would[…..]

Q: How do I find the best way to market my product or service?

A: That would be determined by your buyer personas. To promote your product or service, you need to be visible in places where you have the best chance to be seen by your target audience. People can’t buy from you if they don’t know you exist.

Q: How do I figure out who my target audience is?

A: You need to develop buyer personas. Remember, you can’t be all things to all people so you need to figure out who would be interested in buying what you are selling. To do that, figure out what problem you are solving and who has that problem. That’s the best[…..]

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